Day 1 : Bima - Komodo
Arr.Bima, direct transfer to Sape harbour (approx.2 hours) then take a boat to Komodo (approx.5 hours). Overnight 0n boat or at ranger’s house. (L,D)

Day 2 : Komodo - Labuanbajo
07.00 explore Komodo Island, with a short walk (2Km oneway) to see the Komodo dragons in their natural habitat. Return to the boat, then to Pantai Merah for water activities. After lunch, continue cruise to Labuanbajo, then transfer to hotel Overnight at Bajo Beach Hotel. (B,L,D).

Day 3 : Labuanbajo-Ruteng
After breacfast, Labuanbajo site seeing and then drive up to Ruteng Trogh teh mountain road with stop at Melo Village and other weaving Villages, lunch enroute, Dinner and overnight at Shinda Hotel (BLD)

Day 4 : Ruteng – Bajawa
Foll breakfast, then dirive up to Bajawa, with stop at Ranamese lake Borong and Aimer village to see teh palm wine {artak) proced, lunch
Enrote, dinner and overnight at Anggrek home stay.

Day 5 : Bajawa-Ende-Detusoko
After breakfast Tour visiting Bena a traditionas megalitic village then Continue to Ende for Lunch. Then continue to Detusoko and chek in At St. Fransisikus ( a mission house) Dinner and over night.

Day 6 : Detusoko-Kelimutu-Maumere
Early morning brerakfas, then drive up to the top of Mt. Kelimutu To see sunrise and teh tree colour lakes. Then continue to Maumere with stop at Moni local market, Jopu a traditional village for ikat display.overnight at Sea Wordl Club Waiara.

Day 7 :Maumere Departure
After Breakfast transfer to teh airport of Maumere for flight to Your next detinations

End of servises
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